Rating: 5/5
Review: This was a great book about a woman who was horribly betrayed, and works on getting revenge with the help of a guy who saved her life. There's a bit of humor here amd there, and the storyline moves swiftly from scene to scene. The characters were well developed, and the heroine of the novel was wonderfully spirited and sarcastic. I'll definitely have to check out more by this author.
Book Description: Chaz Perrone might be the only marine scientist in the world who doesn’t know which way the Gulf Stream runs. He might also be the only one who went into biology just to make a killing, and now he’s found a way–doctoring water samples so that a ruthless agribusiness tycoon can continue illegally dumping fertilizer into the endangered Everglades. When Chaz suspects that his wife, Joey, has figured out his scam, he pushes her overboard from a cruise liner into the night-dark Atlantic. Unfortunately for Chaz, his wife doesn’t die in the fall.Clinging blindly to a bale of Jamaican pot, Joey Perrone is plucked from the ocean by former cop and current loner Mick Stranahan. Instead of rushing to the police and reporting her husband’s crime, Joey decides to stay dead and (with Mick’s help) screw with Chaz until he screws himself.
1 comment:
I read this the other day and really liked it!
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